The Eisen Law Firm - Attorneys Focusing Exclusively On Medical Malpractice
3601 Green Rd, Suite 308
Cleveland OH 44122
Call For A Free Consultation

Why We Don’t Advertise

Where Is Our T.V. Commercial?
You will not see the attorneys of Eisen Law Firm on a television commercial. You will not find a three-page color ad in your local phone book, and no radio talk show host will be paid to sing our praises while talking sports. We’ve even tried to keep this website as low-key and informational as possible. It isn’t that we can’t afford marketing bells and whistles. We just feel that the “cost” to victims is – in our opinion – too great.


Taking On Big Companies



Sorry is Not Enough



Helping Clients



What Makes Us Different



Stand Up and Tell the Truth



Why I Love the Contingency Fee
