What Is A Birth Injury?
Acclaimed Cleveland birth injury attorneys explain birth injuries and the law
When an infant or mother is harmed by medical errors made during childbirth, the aftermath can be devastating. What should be a joyous occasion quickly becomes an emotional nightmare. And, the financial implications of lifelong injury or permanent disability can be astronomical. Cleveland’s premier birth injury attorneys at The Eisen Law Firm have decades of experience helping Ohio families seek closure following the trauma of medical negligence. Trust us to work tirelessly to hold responsible parties accountable and secure the compensation to which you or your child are rightfully entitled.
Dedicated attorneys helping families uncover the truth behind their child’s birth injuries
Through decades of first-hand experience litigating medical malpractice claims, our attorneys are armed with a sophisticated understanding of complex, catastrophic birth injuries:
- Birth asphyxia – When an infant is deprived of oxygen during childbirth, for whatever reason, he or she can suffer from birth asphyxia. This is a relatively common birth injury, the severity of which differs greatly depending on the circumstances under which oxygen deprivation occurred. Even a short period of time without oxygen can lead to permanent injury or death.
- Cerebral palsy – Birth asphyxia can lead to Cerebral Palsy (CP), which is a neurological condition affecting primarily motor skills. Newborns with CP may require extensive educational services and costly, lifelong treatments. While CP can be the result of other factors, medical negligence is frequently responsible.
- Erb’s palsy/shoulder dystocia – On occasion, a baby’s shoulder becomes stuck after delivery of the head. This is called a “shoulder dystocia.” Continued pulling in an effort to extract the baby can stretch the nerves in the neck (called the “brachial plexus”). When the nerves are damaged, the child may develop Erb’s Palsy, which can manifest as a weakness and inability to move the affected fingers, hand, or arm. When faced with a stuck shoulder, it is critical that the delivering physician or nurse midwife use accepted maneuvers to complete the delivery of the baby. Poor technique can cause brachial plexus injury and a resulting Erb’s palsy.
- Stillbirths – Thanks to advances in medicine, the rate of stillbirths in this country has drastically decreased. Unfortunately, there are still many Ohio families who experience this tragic event. While some stillbirths occur for unidentifiable reasons, many are preventable and the result of medical professional error.
While these birth injuries are unavoidable in some cases, it is important to determine whether your child’s injuries were the result of medical negligence. Through decades of experience investigating birth injuries and litigating medical malpractice disputes, our Cleveland birth injury attorneys do everything possible to ensure that your child has the resources necessary for lifelong care.
Aggressively pursuing physician inaction that results in injury to you or your child
In some instances, birth injuries occur as a result of a medical professional’s actions before, during, or after childbirth. Many birth injuries, however, are sustained on account of a physician’s failure to act or delayed response:
- Delay in delivery – For many women, labor moves along without incident. When an issue arises, however, medical professionals must act very quickly to bring about delivery. Where a physician fails to speed the labor process, either through medication or an emergency Caesarean section, the baby can suffer serious, sometimes fatal, injuries.
- Failure to resuscitate – If all goes well, a baby begins breathing on its own shortly after birth. But, for approximately ten percent of newborns, medical professionals must assist with this first breath. If help is not administered quickly, the impact can be devastating.
- Failure to diagnose – Many factors should be taken into consideration when prescribing prenatal care. It is your physician’s responsibility to help you anticipate challenges and, where possible, mitigate dangers. When preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, infections, and other issues are overlooked during pregnancy, serious harm or death can befall mother and/or child.
Your physician’s or nurse’s failure to act quickly or appropriately can be just as devastating as an active mistake. If you believe that medical negligence is to blame for harm you or your child sustained during childbirth, rely on our focused Cleveland birth injury attorneys to leverage decades of skill and expertise in investigating your case.
What should I look for in a competent birth injury attorney?
Unlike more self-evident instances of medical negligence, birth injuries resulting from medical error are extremely difficult to detect initially. The reality is that every year, countless children around the country are diagnosed with problems at birth that could not have been prevented. So, identifying and seeking accountability for medical errors resulting in birth defects is no easy feat. Only a dedicated, focused medical malpractice attorney is equipped with the skills, expertise, and cadre of medical experts necessary to successfully identify and pursue these claims. For decades, the Cleveland-based birth injury attorneys at The Eisen Law Firm have successfully navigated birth injury cases, attaining accountability and compensation for injured victims.
Schedule a free initial consultation to explore whether medical negligence played a role in your child’s birth injury
Do not rely on self-serving statements and explanations given by doctors and hospitals. And do not take as true things you are told by a hospital “patient advocate” or “ombudsman.” Seek the truth behind your child’s medical errors with an experienced medical malpractice attorney who has your best interests in mind. Call 216-687-0900 or contact us online to find a time to discuss your situation with a member of the esteemed Eisen Law Firm birth injury team.
Schedule a free initial consultation with an experienced medical malpractice attorney in Cleveland to discuss the improper treatment of an aneurysm you or a loved one suffered
Our sympathies go out to the loved ones that suffer through the aftermath of suddenly losing a loved one from an aneurysm. It is even harder for families to learn that their loved one did not have to die were it not for the negligence of the physician or hospital they trusted. The Eisen Law Firm personal injury attorneys uncover the truth about whether medical malpractice occurred. We fight to recover compensation for victims and families. Call us today at 216-687-0900 or to schedule a free consultation.